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Thank you for taking the first step to become a Napa Green Certified Winery! Below is\n an\n overview of the steps in the certification process. Don’t let this overwhelm you.\n It’s doable and\n Napa Green staff is here to help.\n
\nStep 1 - Begin Answering Checklist Questions:\n Review the Application Checklist and work\n with your core knowledge network (winemaker, facility/operations manager, cellar\n manager,\n whoever handles purchasing) to quickly answer many of the checklist questions.\n
\n\nStep 2 - Integrated Resource Audit: Once your\n team has had a chance to review and begin\n working on the Application Checklist reach out to Napa Green staff, who will send\n you a few\n forms to schedule the Integrated Resource Audit - a one-stop energy, water and waste\n review\n with a highly practical and experienced engineer from non-profit Sustainable Napa\n County (~2-3\n hours). As part of this audit your baseline energy use, water use and waste\n diversion metrics will\n be calculated and reviewed with your team. After the onsite review you will receive\n a brief report\n outlining opportunities and recommendations.\n
\nStep 3 - Submit Application Checklist
\nStep 4 - Action Plan: Based on your final\n Application Checklist, onsite resource audit and\n metrics Napa Green staff will help you develop an Action Plan for integrating and\n streamlining\n sustainability into your day-today operations over the next three years. Assign the\n tasks on the\n Action Plan to relevant staff and fill in rough expected deadlines.\n
\n\nStep 5 - Third-Party Certification: Once the\n Action Plan is finalized Napa Green staff will\n connect you with the third-party certifier (the Napa County Green Business\n Coordinator for the\n statewide California Green Business Network) for the verification walkthrough (~1\n hour).\n If you have any questions along the way please contact Napa Green staff at\n wegotthis@napagreen.org.\n
\n“Wine producers can lead by showing the world what a low-carbon high life – a good life\n that is compatible with a sustainable environment – looks like.” – \n Dr. Kim Nicholas\n
We are facing a climate crisis, and as Greta Thunberg\n reminds us, natural climate solutions are essential to turning things around. These solutions\n don’t just benefit nature and benefit the climate – they can increase soil health, increase water and\n nutrient retention and plant availability, increase the quality and yield of grapes on the vine,\n increase resilience to a changing climate, and ultimately, increase profitability.
A 2018 study focused on natural climate solutions for the United States found that natural climate solutions have the\n potential to reduce net annual emissions in the U.S. by as much as 21%. This study ranked the\n potential of 21 natural climate solutions and found that reforestation, improved forest management,\n cover crops, biochar, hedgerows and other alley cropping, and nutrient management were among six of\n the top seven natural solutions with the greatest climate action potential.
In addition to the need for urgent climate action, 2020 also brought to the fore a national reckoning\n conversation about deeply ingrained social inequities and injustices in our society, and specifically\n within the wine industry. We cannot have environmental or economic sustainability\n without social sustainability.
The Napa County wine industry is in a unique position to gain global recognition as a leader rapidly\n scaling climate action in the agricultural sector, and making a renewed commitment in both words and\n action to social equity, justice and inclusion. We recognize that our wine\n region cannot solve climate change or social inequities, but we have a powerful leadership platform.\n Our commitment to sustainability sets a standard that is recognized by the global wine industry,\n beverage sector, and beyond.
As Miguel Garcia, Sustainable Agriculture Program Manager with the Napa County Resource Conservation\n District (RCD), observes, “There is no reason all of the vineyards in Napa County can’t be carbon\n neutral or negative.” Our goal is to assist growers in becoming carbon neutral within two\n certification cycles (six years) and carbon negative, or climate positive, within three cycles (nine\n years). Napa Green Certified Vineyards will exemplify agriculture that is giving back to\n the land and communities.
\nThe new Napa Green Vineyard standards have six key elements.
These standards are both practice- and performance-based. Implementation of standards is validated by\n independent third-party auditors. Ultimately, this next level stewardship certification is intended to\n serve as an adaptable model for other wine regions and farming sectors
\n \nThank you for taking the first step to become a Napa Green Certified Winery! Below is\n an\n overview of the steps in the certification process. Don’t let this overwhelm you.\n It’s doable and\n Napa Green staff is here to help.\n
\nStep 1 - Begin Answering Checklist Questions:\n Review the Application Checklist and work\n with your core knowledge network (winemaker, facility/operations manager, cellar\n manager,\n whoever handles purchasing) to quickly answer many of the checklist questions.\n
\n\nStep 2 - Integrated Resource Audit: Once your\n team has had a chance to review and begin\n working on the Application Checklist reach out to Napa Green staff, who will send\n you a few\n forms to schedule the Integrated Resource Audit - a one-stop energy, water and waste\n review\n with a highly practical and experienced engineer from non-profit Sustainable Napa\n County (~2-3\n hours). As part of this audit your baseline energy use, water use and waste\n diversion metrics will\n be calculated and reviewed with your team. After the onsite review you will receive\n a brief report\n outlining opportunities and recommendations.\n
\nStep 3 - Submit Application Checklist
\nStep 4 - Action Plan: Based on your final\n Application Checklist, onsite resource audit and\n metrics Napa Green staff will help you develop an Action Plan for integrating and\n streamlining\n sustainability into your day-today operations over the next three years. Assign the\n tasks on the\n Action Plan to relevant staff and fill in rough expected deadlines.\n
\n\nStep 5 - Third-Party Certification: Once the\n Action Plan is finalized Napa Green staff will\n connect you with the third-party certifier (the Napa County Green Business\n Coordinator for the\n statewide California Green Business Network) for the verification walkthrough (~1\n hour).\n If you have any questions along the way please contact Napa Green staff at\n wegotthis@napagreen.org.\n
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\nThank you for submitting your information. You will be receiving an email shortly about next steps\n to become a Napa Green Certified {{ this.$route.query.orgType }}.