Thank you for your interest in becoming Napa Green Land certified. If you’re interested in\n hearing from peers about the benefits of Napa Green certification\n please check out this video.\n
\n\nNapa Green Certified Land is an umbrella program that recognizes two highly-comparable third-\n party certification pathways - LandSmart and Fish Friendly Farming. Both of these partner\n programs are focused on watershed health and reducing erosion and sediment runoff for the\n health of Chinook salmon, steelhead trout and other riverine species. There are also elements\n focused on water efficiency, reducing or eliminating potentially harmful pesticides, protecting\n and restoring riparian habitat, caring for your workforce and being good neighbors.\n
\nIn addition, both of these programs facilitate compliance with the General Permit Waste\n Discharge Requirements from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Both LandSmart and\n Fish Friendly Farming will work with you to develop and certify a custom Farm Plan for your vineyard\n property.
\nPlease fill out the information below. Once submitted you will receive an email with more\n information and contacts for both LandSmart and Fish Friendly Farming. Choose your own\n adventure based on which program appeals to you.\n
\nOnce certified please share your certificate and we will provide the benefits of Napa Green Land\n membership, including connection with the Napa Green knowledge network and community, recognition on\n, free Napa Green Certified signage, opportunity for logo use, access to BMP workshops,\n happy hours and other celebration and recognition events.\n
\nWe are always available to help answer any questions. Please reach out anytime.
\n\nNote: This is confidential program information.
\nThank you for submitting your information. You will be receiving an email shortly about next steps to\n become Napa Green Land certified. If you have any questions please reach out to\n Napa Green Executive Director, Anna Brittain, at